
Genealogy Webinars

Hello, everyone! I have been away too long. I had a death in the family and that took me away for a bit but I am back. I have been making slow progress in my research but wanted to share a great resource.

I signed up to attend a free 90-minute genealogy webinar hosted by Lisa Louis Cooke of Genealogy Gems. It was titled, “Reveal Your Unique Story through DNA, Family History & Video”. I don’t have the budget to travel to any conferences so I am always on the lookout for free webinars to attend. It crashed during the live recording so I had to wait a few days for the link to theĀ recording and it was worth it. I think I am a bit overwhelmed at times in these beginning stages of my research so this webinar came at the right time for me.

There were three things that really inspired me while watching this video. One is that I can create mini videos with small amounts of the information I currently have even at this beginning stage that I can share with my boys and other family members. Lisa shared two she created and walked you step by step how to create one using a service called Animoto. I am not sure I want to fork over the money for it but I enjoyed what I saw. Making these movies would really exciting my boys especially my youngest who is interested in family history. I think we tend to forget to stop and share what we have already found in a quest to learn more. I want to make sure I share more regularly and in an engaging format so that I will inspire my family to join in and celebrate our heritage. So I am going to find a way to work this into my research goals.

The second thing that I found interesting is that they talked about how to tell stories using the results of DNA testing. Now, I get ahead of myself because I have not done any testing yet but I always wonder how genealogists use this information beyond the results. So when I do get the testing done, I feel better about finding ways to incorporate it into my research.

The third thing that I, as a newbie to this stuff was Lisa’s discussion about using Google to uncover more family information. She helps you learn how to narrow your search results and even talked a little about Google Alerts. I am so excited to give it a try.

If you have time you should take a look at the video.

If you know of any genealogy webinars please feel free to let me know.

2 thoughts on “Genealogy Webinars”

  1. I love Lisa and the Genealogy Gems team. I went to a conference a couple of years ago held by the Arkansas State History Commission that was free and open to the public. This was the first time I heard of using Google as a genealogy tool. I contacted her shortly after that conference for some advice on my research, and she and her team have been great in helping me anytime I contact them.


  2. Hello Trisha! That’s amazing. It’s good to know because I get further, I know I will need more help. I found the address of a family center that is fairly close to my home so soon I will make a trip over to see what services they can offer.


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